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Nashville 30th Anniversary Partner Reflections

In honor of the Loeb & Loeb Nashville office celebrating 30 years in service, we asked some of our partners about their most memorable moments over the years. From the early days of the office to the exciting growth of the Nashville market, they shared stories about what it’s been like to be part of the team and how the office has evolved along the way.

“It has been my pleasure and privilege to be part of our entire journey and commitment to the Nashville community. Starting 30 years ago, with convincing Malcolm Mimms to join us in opening the Loeb office, and continuing with the additions of Ken Kraus, Bob Sullivan, and the peerless Derek Crownover and Tim Warnock, Loeb has remained steadfast in our commitment to providing the best possible legal service and support to Nashville. We are especially proud of those who have grown up in our Loeb culture, whether they’ve become partners like Tiffany Dunn and Bess Morgan or have gone on to important positions in leading companies in Nashville. This is all part of a journey that, in many ways, is just beginning its next chapter. Exemplary local expertise, coupled with a fully integrated national practice, that is without peer.”   - John Frankenheimer

“Two of my most memorable experiences with the Nashville office involve our first win at the trial court level and then at the court of appeals, representing beneficiaries of Little Richard’s estate who successfully moved to remove one of the co-executors for breach of fiduciary duty and obtaining an award of fees and costs.” - Tim Warnock

“Similar to the City of Nashville itself, Loeb’s Nashville office is a tight-knit community on a fast-paced trajectory of growth and expansion. A testament to Loeb’s entertainment prowess, the Nashville office is literally wrapped in music. The walls are lined with records and images of clients who are legends of the industry. It’s an environment that inspires, encourages creative collaboration and drives us to support both our clients and one another to meet and exceed the market demands of one of the most popular cities in the nation.” - Bess Morgan

“My fondest memory of the Nashville office was many years ago, back when the team comprised just Bob Sullivan, John Beiter, a few associates and me. We decided to host a Christmas party at my house, where I prepared a turkey on the BBQ and everyone contributed side dishes. After several hours of enjoying our meal and celebrating, I pulled out my electric guitar and Bob joined in with his. We reminisced about our days in rock bands. Thankfully, Bob could sing and still play, as my guitar playing was pretty bad, so I just turned up the reverb to cover it up. Despite that, everyone enjoyed themselves, and it was a festive night that is fondly remembered to this day. It was a wonderful group of people who, back then, had no idea we’d ever grow to the size we are now; we were simply having fun.” - Kenneth Kraus