Loeb & Loeb is proud to announce that the firm has once again been awarded the latest level of certification by Diversity Lab, Mansfield 6.0, reflecting its commitment to advancing historically underrepresented lawyers to positions of leadership in the profession. The firm is currently participating in its Mansfield 7.0 certification round, ending July 2024. Diversity Lab is a renowned incubator for innovative ideas and solutions that boost diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) across the practice of law.
Earning Mansfield certification annually requires engaging in an intensive 12-month collaboration with Diversity Lab with built-in measurement, transparency and accountability. The initiative tracks and measures whether participating law firms have affirmatively considered at least 30% women, lawyers from underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, lawyers with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ lawyers for C-suite and top leadership roles, senior-level lateral hiring, promotions into the equity partnership, and participation in client pitch meetings.
“We are proud to have attained this repeat certification which has given the firm another tool to help identify and support a clear growth path for lawyers from historically underrepresented backgrounds,” said Jennifer Davda, chief diversity officer at Loeb. “The implementation and continued utilization of the certification process underscores the firm’s continued dedication to creating a more inclusive environment and upholds the firm’s value of transparency as lawyers progress to positions of leadership.”
Loeb has numerous internal programs and affinity groups designed to foster a sense of community and provide mentorship opportunities for lawyers from historically underrepresented groups. These include ACED (Attorneys of Color and Ethnic Diversity), Black@Loeb, Women’s LEAD (Leadership, Empowerment, Advancement, Development) Network and Loeb Pride (LGBTQ+), all of which provide additional support to the firm’s diverse and women lawyers.
Of note, the firm’s Women’s LEAD is focused on events and programs designed to increase professional development opportunities, connect and deepen relationships with clients, and promote transparency in the advancement advance women lawyers at Loeb and across the legal community. In addition to integrating new lawyers into the firm and furthering relationships among partners and associates across offices, the Loeb’s Women’s LEAD took its commitment further, seeking opportunities to support women and women-owned businesses in their local communities.
In addition, Loeb actively participates in several programs aimed at developing and supporting a pipeline of diverse leaders. Extending our commitment beyond Mansfield certification, the firm actively participates in the Diversity Lab OnRamp Fellowship program, which sets a goal to bring female lawyers who have taken a career hiatus back into the legal profession. We also are active members of the Legal Council on Leadership Diversity (LCLD), including participating in LCLD’s Fellows and Diversity Pathfinders programs, as well as being recognized with its Compass Award and as a Top Performer in 2022. The firm has also been recognized as a “Tipping the Scales” firm by the Diversity Flexibility Alliance for the past two years. This recognition distinguishes Loeb for advancing 50% or more women in the firm’s new partner class.
The firm’s commitment to DEI and participation in benchmarking standards such as the Mansfield initiative has resulted in measurable impact and a significant increase in representation of diverse and women lawyers on the firm’s board of partners and at the capital and income partner levels.
Visit Diversity Lab’s website to read about the Mansfield Rule.
To learn more about Loeb’s commitment to DEI, please see the firm’s diversity page.
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