Meredith Madnick, Director, Pro Bono describes the role Loeb plays in its community through its active pro bono program. Meredith says, “The firm is extremely committed to pro bono work, not only because it is the right thing to do, but as lawyers we have the unique ability to make a real difference.” The firm’s lawyers frequently work with families who adopt out of the foster care system, support refugees navigating the stages of the immigration process, and with the LGBTQ+ community. When certain events occur−such as natural disasters and other of-the-moment crisis “we want to be able to respond quickly and efficiently to our community’s needs.” Loeb works with local community and legal service organizations, and with firm clients on pro bono matters delivering day long clinics and partnering with them on long-term initiatives. Going forward, the firm aims to expand and increase its pro bono initiatives and meet the needs of its community. More details on our pro bono program is available here.
Director, Pro Bono