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New York City’s AEDT Part 1: A Growing Regulatory Arena and Efforts Seeking Clarity

Artificial intelligence, or “AI” for short, is no longer a futuristic movie theme. In the employment context, AI has become a tool for employers to quickly and efficiently evaluate both their prospective and existing employees.

In response to employers’ growing reliance on AI, legislative bodies have finally signaled a willingness to more generally regulate AI in the workplace. The first real attempt at wide-ranging regulation will be New York City’s Automated Employment Decision Tool Law (the AEDT).

In this New York Law Journal article authored by Loeb & Loeb New York Employment & Labor chair Ian Carleton Schaefer and associates Avi Gholian and Brad Raboin, the writers discuss the New York City AEDT Law and the ramifications it will have on employers. In addition, they explore the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s (DCWP) outlined proposals in seeking to clarify AEDT guidance.

To read the full article, please visit the New York Law Journal's website (subscription required).