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Loeb Partner Allan Edmiston Named Among 2025 “Top Professional Responsibility Lawyers” by Daily Journal

Loeb & Loeb is proud to share that Allan Edmiston, chair of the firm’s Professional Services Litigation practice, has been selected by the Daily Journal for inclusion in the publication’s annual “Top Professional Responsibility Lawyers” list for 2025, which spotlights leading lawyers in legal malpractice matters and ethics.

In an accompanying profile, Allan is noted for leading the firm’s Professional Services Litigation practice and representing high-profile law firms—including those on the Am Law 200 list—and their lawyers in matters such as malpractice, breach of fiduciary duty, aiding and abetting, and fraud across numerous practice areas. Allan told the Daily Journal that he is seeing a growing trend of non-client claims being asserted against lawyers.

"Each case presents its own unique obstacles, but non-client claims create interesting issues with respect to the attorney-client privilege arising out of the lawyer's underlying client representation," Allan said.

Allan is also highlighted in the profile for serving as Loeb’s general counsel for almost 10 years, which includes handling all legal ethics and risk management matters across Loeb’s eight offices in the U.S. and Asia.