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Partner Jessica Lee Shares Career Insights at 13th Annual LCLD Alumni Leadership Symposium

Loeb & Loeb is pleased to share that Jessica Lee, Loeb’s chief privacy & security partner and chair of the firm’s Privacy, Security & Data Innovations practice, was selected by the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD) to present at the 13th Annual LCLD Alumni Leadership Symposium, held in Boston, Massachusetts, from June 20-21, 2024.

Each year, LCLD’s symposium brings together more than 300 alumni from its Fellows and Pathfinder programs for intentional personal and professional development. This year, LCLD introduced a new opportunity for alumni to share their expertise by submitting speaker proposals for the conference. Jessica, a member of LCLD’s class of 2021 Fellows, had her proposal selected from numerous submissions due to its thought-provoking ideas, innovative approaches and audience-engaging components.

Jessica presented "Marathon Mentality: Building Stamina in Your Legal Career" alongside Kyle Ferachi, a member of LCLD’s class of 2013 Fellows and a partner at Hinshaw & Culbertson. During the program, Jessica shared her marathon running journey, drawing parallels between the discipline required for marathon running and the rigors of a legal career. Together, Jessica and Kyle explored techniques for managing stress, avoiding burnout, and navigating the challenges of the legal field with persistence and grace, aiming to foster sustainable and fulfilling career paths.

The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity is an organization of more than 400 corporate chief legal officers and law firm managing partners—the leadership of the profession—who have pledged themselves, through LCLD's Leaders at the Front initiative and other means, to creating a truly diverse U.S. legal profession. The council’s action programs are designed to attract, inspire and nurture the talent in society and within LCLD Member organizations, thereby helping a new and more diverse generation of lawyers ascend to positions of leadership.