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Jennifer M. Smith focuses her practice on identifying and navigating the tax, charitable, and legacy planning challenges faced by high net worth individuals. She regularly interprets and applies estate, gift, and income tax laws and related IRS guidance to develop long-term, tax-efficient wealth transfer, business succession, and life insurance plans and strives to communicate her analyses and recommendations to clients in a readily understandable manner. Her experience includes the creation and implementation of wills, revocable trusts, multi-generational dynasty trusts, life insurance trusts and split-dollar arrangements, buy-sell and shareholders agreements, and family partnerships and LLCs.

In addition to her practice, Jennifer routinely produces articles and presentations exploring new developments in tax, estate, and life insurance planning, specifically identifying the “real-world” impact for clients and offering practical insights and proactive solutions. She has been a frequent author of  articles focusing on estate and legacy planning with life insurance and has assisted in counseling allied professionals in the life insurance industry.


  • Harvard Law School, J.D., cum laude
  • University of Virginia, B.A.

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  • District of Columbia
  • New York