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In Case You Missed It: Loeb News from October and November 2022

Have you heard how Loeb is moving the needle? Loeb’s lawyers are always advising on the latest trends, issues, and legislation to help our clients and communities succeed. Here are some highlights and firm news from the past few months!
  • Loeb & Loeb is pleased to announce that the firm has been awarded Mansfield 5.0 certification by Diversity Lab and is currently participating in its Mansfield 6.0 certification round, ending July 2023. Diversity Lab is a renowned incubator for innovative ideas and solutions that boost diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) across the practice of law, particularly around advancing historically underrepresented lawyers to positions of leadership in the profession. Read more here.
  • Loeb recently secured a remarkable pro bono victory for a debtor who had been sued in her bankruptcy case by a creditor seeking to except a large debt from her bankruptcy discharge. Prior to Loeb’s involvement, the debtor filed a personal Chapter 7 bankruptcy case in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois. A home remodeler that had been retained to repair the debtor’s property filed an adversary proceeding opposing discharge of the amounts it claimed were owed under a contract. The home renovator claimed that the contract had been induced by the debtor’s allegedly fraudulent statements, and therefore, under the bankruptcy code, that debt was non-dischargeable.

    At the outset of the litigation with the creditor, the debtor represented herself pro se. The presiding bankruptcy judge recognized that justice required assistance for this debtor.  At the judge’s request, the Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois’ Volunteer Attorney Panel recruited Loeb to represent the debtor. Read more about Loeb’s involvement and how we were able to help the pro bono client.
  • Ian Carleton Schaefer, chair of Loeb & Loeb’s New York Employment & Labor practice, has been quoted in multiple publications discussing New York City’s salary transparency law, which is set to take effect on November 1, 2022. The measure requires companies that are hiring in New York or advertising for remote roles that could be performed in the city to include salary ranges on job listings. Most notably, Ian was featured in The Wall Street Journal and on CBS News. 
  • Loeb Restructuring & Bankruptcy partner Daniel Besikof has been quoted in multiple publications discussing cryptocurrency exchange platform FTX and its related entities’ decision to file for a Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware on November 11, 2022.